Color Theory: Green Color Meaning


Just what does the color green mean / represent / signify? What mood does green represent? What feelings does it invoke when viewed? What about its significance in logos or when used in business? The color green seems so ordinary, but in the world of design it is just the opposite.  As Kermit the Frog […]

How to Disable Press and Hold Circle in Photoshop Using Wacom Tablet in Windows 10

This post was created to help fellow designers disable the annoying press and hold circle using a Wacom pen tablet with Windows 10. If you’re reading this post you are probably as frustrated as I was when I installed my new tablet and started working in Photoshop CC using the brush tool only to find […]

A Visual Guide to Beer Label Materials


In a booming craft beer scene, label art is much more than a tool to identify a brand or type of beer. Brewing is a craft, and brewers have a story to tell. Label design can offer a glimpse into what makes a brewery unique. Sitting on the cluttered shelves next to other beers, they […]

Tips for Successful Sign Design

Signs are intended to communicate a message. Whether it is for advertising, safety, warning, or identification purposes, they share the same goal: clear and visible communication. Factors of Successful Sign Design Poorly designed signs can cause confusion, misrepresent a brand, and in some cases they can be the deciding factor for whether or not a […]

Partial Vehicle Wrap Benefits and Examples

Partial vehicle wraps can provide huge cost savings when compared to full wraps. They are easier to design and install and can be extremely effective if executed properly. Full Wraps vs Partial Wraps There’s no denying that full wraps can have a big visual impact. After all, a vehicle wrap is a moving billboard with […]